Tuesday, February 26, 2008 @ 1:58 AM: *insert title here*
Didn't go to school today. Woke up with severe neck pain.

Anyway, couldn't go to sleep so I did some Maths.

Bleh. :p

Give me something to write.

Oh yeah, my picture's gonna be in IN whenever I write an article.

That sucks. BIG TIME.

Anyway, check out Sensei Benzeimin's new help blog for the 101 on sanitary pads, http://senshi-b-saysitall.blogspot.com/

what's that behind you?.

Monday, February 18, 2008 @ 4:44 AM: Mouth for War
Well, today was the first meeting for the INCrowd. The people there are pretty cool, but I found out there are only 4 males (including me). FTW?

Anyway, we got to know more about what we would be doing, and Serene Goh (INEditor) had a long talk with us on what to expect. I am now known to her as Iron Maiden, because I was wearing an IM t-shirt. She says that Daniel Peters is harder to remember than Iron Maiden. W....WHA?!?

Oh yeah, there was pizza. Rocco's Pizza!

So now, I am the movie and music critic. The plus side? I get free CDs and movie tickets. (Criticism FTW!) The down side? Writing the reviews would obviously be time-consuming. So I'd have to plan my timetable well.

Maths Common Test is tomorrow. I used to be afraid of Maths, and I'm actually falling in love with it. :p

The more complicated it gets, somehow, it attracts me more. Don't know why. =D

Anyway, best of luck to all for the common tests!
what's that behind you?.

Sunday, February 17, 2008 @ 5:15 AM: First post
Well, after much procrastination and laziness, I've set up my blog.

wow. I am jumping for joy.

Adding tagboard soon.

Session with IN Editor tomorrow. Nervous as hell.

Seriously, Serene Goh seems so stern :p
Just hope I could get to her good side.

My dad's gonna drop me off 1 hour earlier, I'll be able to catch up on my Maths with some revision.
Maths is becoming so fun! (even if it's becoming MUCH harder)

The common tests are this week.

Yeah, that's all I could say :p
Except all the best to my friends.

I'm sleepy now, but can't sleep.
Don't ask :p
what's that behind you?.

The world needs a loser NAO
your introduction, disclaimers & profile here
bold italic underline strikeout


The exits
Zhao Yuan
Marissa aka MARSBARS
Si Ying aka ClareBear
Hong Ying
Yi Hui


History of justice
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
April 2009

base: x